Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Scrunchie face

For the 2.4 of you that are on my facebook- you will know that for the last three days, I have been "thinking positive" in attempt to break this funk-o-rama.

THREE WHOLE DAYS. Slap me sainthood, people! Really? As I typed that it was almost like it has been martyr ish for me. No. It hasn't. In fact.. by simply waking up in the morning and not starting my day complaining about going to work and instead, thanking the universe for a job, a warm bed, and an amazing woman to wake up next starting to help my blues go away. I get to work and greet everyone with a smile and a good morning. I haven't been responding to the negative nancy here.. when she starts her yabba dabba doin' I just look at her with a small grin on my face, and then go back to work.

Simple simple simple.

I have even noticed how much I scrunch my face. Not like... old woman meets sour apple. Just a slight scrunch. Just enough that I can feel it. So, I just sorta smile/grin/turn up the sides of my mouth. The corner of my eyes go up, my forehead shifts slightly back, and I just FEEL BETTER. It is so strange.

For the last three days, Mic has noticed as well. I have also insisted we eat together at the table, no tv, no nothing.. just us.. talking. Habits scare the freak out of me. I have told her time and time again that I don't want to turn into that couple who sits in front of the tv every night and .. well.. SITS IN FRONT OF THE TV EVERY NIGHT. Ew. That scares me to death. Because you know what is next? That couple that goes out to dinner and doesn't say a word to one another. YIKES!

I think this is a good way to end the year, and to greet the new year.


* said...

follow me on fb...
so i can see your scrunch face!


2momswithaplan said...

Smiling everyday does make a big difference. I'm happy to hear that you are slowly coming out of your funk. :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I try to enforce the dinner together thing too. Usually it's just me and the kids, but at least it's something. I laughed trying to imagine this face you described. I'm sure it's supposed to be sort of a smile or something but made me think of gas.

Dani Magestro said...

Big Giant HUGS

Angie Lee said...

am i the .4 since i'm so skinny? (that's me trying to be positive...)

what are you guys doing friday night?? i'm going to racine to see my favorite band play. come come come!! it beats sitting in front of the tv...

CJ said...

Traditions are good. Ash and I are bad about eating in front of the television unless the kids are home. THEN it's the table. No ifs, ands, or buts!!