Monday, July 26, 2010

nooo jinxies!

I am so weird about the possibility of being jinxed. Donnn't SAY IT!!! DON'TSAYITORITWONT HAPPEN!!!

Well, lil ol' Brit got the ball rolling by telling us we are fine- we can tell- we can get excited. So, we have been FAR more open about talking about it-- telling-- yabba dabbing. We got together with friends for a fire to celebrate a new job- and their child, Mack, hugged Mic, crying..thanking her for giving her a "cousin" that she can be a role model for. Crying. CRYING. dear god. There wasn't a dry eye in the circle.

So, with that, our friend Rebecca has decided to throw us a baby shower. I was pretty adamant about telling her "no".... "we don't need about we have a celebration when we finally DO get a child... it could be months, YEARS!" Her reply was that we are loved, that people are excited for us and want to celebrate NOW. That people who are pregnant get to have showers, so should you guys!!!

I spoke to Mic about it, and decided that if people want to throw a celebration now, than we will let them! Every time we talk about it, we are in tears. How blessed are we to have a group of people who are as excited about having a child in their lives as WE are?!?!?!?

So, I hope this isn't going to jinx it, but our friends are throwing us a shower at the end of August!

I appreciate all of the input from my last post.... I love hearing all of the experiences other parents have had... it helps SO MUCH. The feedback from my email has been overwhelmingly sweet. I have gotten a TON of great information - and I am taking it all to heart!


Anonymous said...

I wish you woulda said yes to me.

C.I.W. said...

amy. I told you. I want you to be there. I don't want you to be running around figuring it all out. I want you to enjoy. You are busy ALL THE TIME. This is your time to hang with me and Mic and just enjoy :)

Anonymous said...

I'm still helping her. So there. :) I can't just sit back and relax. Is there a date set?

SquirtyB said...

Congrats! Enjoy the party!

P said...

I am sure there will be no jinxies. What a nice thing that your friends are doing for you guys.