Monday, July 12, 2010


not much to report. This summer has already been flying by.

I don't think I have mentioned this before... at work there is another big ol' lesbian and she and her partner are having twins! It is really exciting to hear all the updates and find out what they are buying and all that fun stuff. In the beginning it was hard hearing about all the tummy movements, birthing classes and all that fun stuff.... now, though, I am over it. I like the fact that she is talking about all the yuck, too....the hemorrhoids, vomiting, doctor bills, expense etc etc. Suddenly I am fine with foster/adoption.

I need to get my camera going. I should do some before and after shots of the rooms upstairs, and all that fun stuff so I have something to share. That and the freaking garden is crazy! I wish you all were closer so I could pawn off some crazy reproducing zucchini and cucumbers

Edit: it may appear by this post that I say "fun stuff" 143 times a day. No. I don't. Sometimes my vocabulary matches that of at least a 6th grader. Shocking, I know.


Anonymous said...

ISN'T the summer flying by? I don't remember this happening last year! I can't believe the kids are back in school in about 6 weeks. Sorta sad...sorta not. :)

Mark said...

Thanks for clearing that up. I was thinking "all that fun stuff" was a new Lesbian phrase. I was going to use it tomorrow when I get together for dinner with a group of, you said it first, "big ol'lesbians". I'll let you know how it goes.
I think of adoption this way, there is a child out there in the world who needs parents and is waiting for you, right now?
Your Friend, m.